Git - Git Cheat Sheet

A simple Git cheat sheet for the basic commands and working with a git repo, in our case Github. (Sau đây mình xin list ra danh sách Git cheat sheet các lệnh cơ bản và cần thiết nhất khi chúng ta sử dụng git, cụ thể là Github)
To start, you can always use git help to see a basic list of commands. (Bạn có thể xem danh sách các lệnh và hướng dẫn sử dụng bằng cách sử dụng git help)

Git Terminology:
master default branch we develop in
origin default upstream repo (Github)
HEAD current branch
remote repository stored on another computer
staging (adding) adding changed files to index tree to be committed
Here’s a good glossary of definitions.


Starting a Repo init/clone/remote

git initCreate a repo from existing data
git clone (repo_url)Clone a current repo (into a folder with same name as repo)
git clone (repo_url) (folder_name)Clone a repo into a specific folder name
git clone (repo_url) .Clone a repo into current directory (should be an empty directory)
git remote add origin a remote repo named origin pointing at your Github repo (after you’ve already created the repo on Github) (used if you git init since the repo you created locally isn’t linked to a remote repo yet)
git remote add origin a remote repo named origin pointing at your Github repo (using SSH url instead of HTTP url)
git remoteShow the names of the remote repositories you’ve set up
git remote -vShow the names and URLs of the remote repositories
git remote rm (remote_name)Remove a remote repository
git remote set-url origin (git_url)Change the URL of the git repo
git pushPush your changes to the origin


Showing Changes status/diff/log/blame

git statusShow the files changed
git diffShow changes to files compared to last commit
git diff (filename)Show changes in single file compared to last commit
git diff (commit_id)Show changes between two different commits.
git logShow history of changes
git blame (filename)Show who changed each line of a file and when
Commit ID: This can be that giant long SHA-1 hash. You can call it many different ways. I usually just use the first 4 characters of the hash.


Undoing Changes reset/revert

git reset –hardGo back to the last commit (will not delete new unstaged files)
git revert HEADUndo/revert last commit AND create a new commit
git revert (commit_id)Undo/revert a specific commit AND create a new commit


Staging Files add/rm

git add -AStage all files (new, modified, and deleted)
git add .Stage new and modified files (not deleted)
git add -uStage modified and deleted files (not new)
git rm (filename)Remove a file and untrack it
git rm (filename) –cachedUntrack a file only. It will still exist. Usually you will add this file to .gitignore after rm
Git Workflow Trees: How adding and committing moves files between the different git trees.
Working Tree The "tree" that holds all our current files.
Index (after adding/staging file) The "staging" area that holds files that need to be committed.
HEAD Tree that represents the last commit.


Publishing commit/stash/push

git commit -m "message"Commit the local changes that were staged
git commit -am "message"Stage files (modified and deleted, not new) and commit
git stashTake the uncommitted work (modified tracked files and staged changes) and saves it
git stash listShow list of stashes
git stash applyReapply the latest stashed contents
git stash apply (stash_id)Reapply a specific stash. (stash id = stash@{2})
git stash drop (stash_id)Drop a specific stash
git pushPush your changes to the origin
git push origin (local_branch_name)Push a branch to the origin
git tag (tag_name)Tag a version (ie v1.0). Useful for Github releases.


Updating and Getting Code fetch/pull

git fetchGet the latest changes from origin (don’t merge)
git pullGet the latest changes from origin AND merge
git checkout -b (new_branch_name) origin/(branch_name)Get a remote branch from origin into a local branch (naming the branch and switching to it)


Branching branch/checkout

git branchShow all branches (local)
git branch -aShow all branches (local and remote)
git branch (branch_name)Create a branch from HEAD
git checkout -b (branch_name)Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout (branch_name)Switch to an already created branch
git push origin (branch_name)Push a branch up to the origin (Github)
git checkout -b (new_branch_name) origin/(branch_name)Get a remote branch from origin into a local branch (naming the branch and switching to it)
git push origin –delete (branch_name)Delete a branch locally and remotely


Integrating Branches merge/rebase

git checkout master
git merge (branch_name)
Merge a specific branch into the master branch.
git rebase (branch_name)Take all the changes in one branch and replay them on another. Usually used in a feature branch. Rebase the master to the feature branch so you are testing your feature on the latest main code base. Then merge to the master.
git cherry-pick (commit_id)Merge just one specific commit from another branch to your current branch.

Merging: Merging will occur FROM the branch you name TO the branch you are currently in. Rebasing: Usually switch to a feature branch (git checkout newFeature). Then rebase (git rebase master). Then merge back so you have all the changes of master and the feature branch (git checkout master, and git merge newFeature).

There you go! Hopefully that covers most of the basic ones and a few more. If you’d like to see any that haven’t been covered here, I’d be happy to add them. Also if you need a further explanation, Vietnamese version or demonstration, don’t be scared to ask. Happy gitting!

GitGitGit cheatsheet